Freedom from Herpes: Renewing Hope and Confidence.

Amid constantly evolving viral threats, the need for effective antiviral solutions has never been greater. In response to this, ClevorX Nanomedicine Laboratories was founded in 2017 with a clear mission: to research and develop innovative antiviral medications. By leveraging the powerful properties of nanoparticles, we have developed a new class of highly potent medicines that go beyond the capabilities of traditional chemical compounds.

ClevorX Team Photo

The most powerful herpes relief product on the market.

Decades of Experience in Product Innovation

In our lab, we combine the strengths of science and nature. Using precise laboratory techniques, we extract and isolate the most powerful compounds from plants. We then take a holistic, plant-based approach to create remedies that capture the natural therapeutic properties of botanicals, just as nature intended.

Decades of Experience in Product Innovation​

True Wellness. True Healing.

We are a small, innovative company with a single focus: creating safe, effective, and natural healing solutions. Our mission is to help our clients live their lives with greater peace of mind.

From Barcelona with Love.

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Alverox Distributed From US Locations

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